A Gilded Death

A Gilded Death

A richly illustrated romp with America’s Gilded Age leisure class—and those angling to join it

Print length
354 pages
Cecelia Tichi
Publication date
August 2, 2021
Formats: Paperback and Kindle Edition

A formal dinner in palatial, Gilded Age Newport stuns Val DeVere when her closest friend whispers a terrifying rumor. The friend’s ultra-rich auntie’s fatal heart attack at Mrs. Astor’s annual ball last winter was murder.

When the aunt’s reclusive daughter—and heir—succumbs to “heart failure,” Val and husband Roddy probe the deaths to shield their dear friend who is next in line to inherit the family fortune—and sudden death.

Society’s “odd couple,” Val and Roddy, a.k.a. Valentine and Roderick DeVere, blend his Old New York savvy and her mountain West vision to ask: Is Newport truly Society’s “place to take root in,” or a dear friend’s place to die?

by Terri D
Reviewed in the United States on August 5, 2021
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Gilded Age Newport

Fashion, manners, family, and money all wrapped in issues of social class, suffrage protests, regional differences, and cocktail recipes! Who knew summer rituals in old Newport cottages with the famous and wealthy could spark such heady and deadly stuff?! A wealth of history in a cool mixed drink of satisfying mystery.

by K. Knox
Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2021
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Great GIlded Age mystery

Cecelia Tichi’s mystery A Gilded Death shows that she is a brilliant practitioner of combining history as well as writing a compelling mystery. She takes a mining camp girl whose father strikes it rich and takes her off to New York high society–think “The Four Hundred,”–via her marriage to the scion of a welathy family. She has had to learn which fork to use, which gloves to wear when, and other such societal requirements in the upper crust of America’s Gilded Age. This story is set chiefly in Newport RI. where the “rich and famous and the more rich and more famous” had their “summer cottages.” Some cottages! 40 room mansions on the coast at Newport! Tichi combines her mystery with a fair amount of high society mores and morals, in some respects not terribly different from what one imagines they must still be, but I certainly wouldn’t know. since I don’t move in those circles. The contrast between the sleuth–the young mining camp woman who married so well–and her best friend, who tries to keep her straight on which fork to use, is probably pretty accurate as it would have been IRL, as my granddaughters say instead of In Real Life. Tichi is clearly thoroughly grounded in the times and moves through the historical landscape easily. This is a delightful read and is a clever contrast to the typical “British cozy mystery.” Tichi has given an American version now!

Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2021
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FABULOUS read!!!

Very much looking forward to the next adventures of the DeVeres!!

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